Lacerte GCL | Services
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Federally regulated businesses and industries, including:

– Maritime transport services and port services
– Banks
– Airports
– Interprovincial and International Road Transportation Companies
– Radio and television broadcasting
– First Nations activities


Retail markets

Manufacturing sector

Sports, supplements and health products industries

Financial services

Non-profit organizations


Labour and Employment law

– Hiring process
– Termination of employment and unjustified dismissal
– Administrative and disciplinary actions
– Employment contracts, service agreements and restrictive covenants
– Labour standards
– Disability and absenteeism management
– Workplace harassment
– Interpretation and negotiation of labour agreements
– Protection of personal information and access to information
– Human rights and duty to accommodate
– Labour litigation and representation before administrative and civil tribunals
– Grievance arbitration
– Application for judicial review
– Injunction proceedings
– Alternative methods of dispute resolutions, such as mediation, conciliation and arbitration
– Occupational health and safety
– Assistance in workplace investigations of serious or fatal accidents
– Criminal litigation regarding workplace health and safety
– Union duty of fair representation complaints
– Employment equity
– Employment policies and practices (drafting and editing)
– Francization process for businesses
– Some aspects related to the immigration field of expertise

Sports labour law

Management-side labour and employment law in the context of corporate restructurings and M&A transactions

Commercial leasing

Civil and commercial litigation

Business and corporate law (via collaborators)